Angel Numbers Spirit Guides Reincarnation Delores Cannon Between Death and Life

Angel Numbers Spirit Guides Reincarnation Delores Cannon Between Death and Life

thumbnail for youtube angel number reincarnation spirit quides delores cann on between death and life

Hello gorgeous souls, I am Rochelle and Welcome to the DIY Affiliate and Collective Soul Journey.

Thank you to all souls on this journey with me. I could only get this message out to you.

There are no accidents in this Universe or coincidences. We are all connected. I am here to connect you to this knowledge.

In this post today, you will learn what a guardian angel is and what Reincarnation is by, Delores Cannon. What are angel numbers, and what part do they play in the six stages of Awakening and remembering your soul journey, your Life’s Path?

It is not an accident that you have found this post. The Universe has a message for you and a Secret to Tell You.

You Are Much More Than What You Think You Are. You Are The Scripter And Creator And Manifester Of Your Life. Everything Is Energy, And Earth Is A School Where We Learn The Power Of Energy And How To Use It To Enrich Our Daily Lives.

Are you going through an awakening? What is an awakening? I have created a video just for you

Unlocking the Secrets Aquarius Age with DIY Affiliate! Dolores Cannon Teachings Awakening 6 Stages

What Do You Know About Twin Flames? I created another video just for you located at the top right.

Are you a twin flame? Not sure what a twin flame is watching this video to get this knowledge

You have manifested that this video is not by accident but by design. I hear there are no accidents in the Universe. Part of your sacred journey is to give your wish fulfilment. The Universe knows your heart’s desires and whether you require more financial abundance. More Time, Freedom, More Happiness and More Love in your Life.

You have heard about the law of attraction and how frequencies and vibrations manifest positively or negatively in our 3D Life.

This post is to clarify the terms of Soul Higher Self, Spirit Guides and Angels and how understanding these energies and the Laws of the Universal Energy will help you greatly while going through your Awakening and manifesting abundance into your Life and set you on a path towards your Life’s purpose and or twin flame journey.

This knowledge will unlock the full power of the subconscious mind to manifest what your soul needs into your reality as you go through the six stages of your soul awakening or Awakening to a twin flame journey.

Ever heard about Feed your Soul? While what does that mean

Creating the right energies around you to help you feel peace with yourself and other people, places or things that surround you now. Feed it with mindfulness, positive thinking, and intentional self-care. Feeling the high vibrational energies of love and above, especially unconditional love and gratefulness vibrating consistently high daily

OK, now I am discussing the steps to becoming a master manifester. So watch the video located in the top right.

Algorithm for Manifesting a Desired Outcome,

OK, So First, This Is A Disclaimer I Am Not An Expert. I Share Knowledge Through Research, Experience, And A Deep Understanding Of Ancient Spiritual Secrets Hidden In Plain Sight And The Timeless Wisdom And Knowledge Of The Channeling Of Dolores Cannon.

Who is Dolores Cannon, and why is it important to understand what and where this knowledge or the source it originates from?

You may not recognize this knowledge, but your soul resonates with the messages, which will help you through the different stages of the Awakening.

So Who is Delores Cannon?

Delores Cannon is a world-renowned author of over 17 audiobooks that record lost knowledge through hypnosis and past life regression.

Through Trance which is the state in which hypnosis takes place. It is also a state we frequently enter in the ordinary day.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) is a hypnosis technique created by Dolores Cannon. She developed and refined the method during her 45-year career as a regressive hypnosis therapist. Delores Ca has worked with thousands of clients from countries around the world. Dolores Cannon is no longer with us the physical, but her lifeworks will live on for eternity.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy

QHHT started as research on past lives. Today, with the expansion of human awareness, previous lives are available for more experience. Some people experience future lives, parallel lives, that they have lived on other planets or come from different dimensions.

Listen to Her Book Between Death and Life

You can access this information on Youtube or listen to her world-famous audiobooks. The link is in the description. I am an amazon associate, and there are affiliate links. If you follow a link and make a purchase, I will benefit. The best option is to start a free trial first and get access to all her books.

Between Death and Life: Conversations with a Spirit
Between Death and Life: Conversations with a Spirit (Audible Audio Edition): Dolores Cannon, Doug Warrings, Ted Snow…

So now we get to the Definitions.

First, review the Definitions of a Guardian Angel, Spirit Guide, and Reincarnation. This all fits together like a puzzle. Add the signs of synchronicity to your Awakening.

What is a Guardian Angel?

A guardian angel who is assigned to defend and guide a specific person, group or nation. This is what google says.?

Our guardian angels look over us to offer protecting, especially when our souls need protection.

The Guardian Angel takes care of you and is there to assist you, but cannot interfere IN YOUR LIFE unless you ask them for help.

They want you to talk to them and ask for assistance. If you can speak to them and tell them what you want, they will take it and run with it. They will do miracles, so they need to know what it is. You want

Everyone who comes into this Life has at least one, which is the one assigned to you when you incarnate into this Life. Some people will have more than one depending on what is happening in their Life. I heard we could have as many as four.

Mainly you have one that stays with you your entire Life.

Angels are mostly called messengers because that is what they are. They live on the other side, the spirit side, and many have never wanted to incarnate into human form.

They want to stay on the spirit side and care for things happening here on Earth.

Your guardian angel could be deceased relatives who want to be near you and care for you on your life journey — staying close to you to help when asked for assistance.

What is a Spirit Guide?

Whether or not you believe in them, we all have spirit guides. You have at minimal one guide who is forever present to help you. A spirit guide a soul that has arrived at a certain point in its evolution so that they aware and expanded enough to help another soul in its development. Evolution Guides have been incarnated as humans, so they understand the human experience. They are capable of a level of non-judgment, compassion, and love that most of us can only imagine.

Spirit Guides is a spirit we may not know is always around you and will only leave your side when you feel the lower emotions and lower vibrations. They do not want to be in that Energy you are in. at the time. They love to be around us when our mind is still in meditation, and Your heart chakra opens up when you are in the Energy of love and above.

The Spirit Guide Is Not Our Higher Self. You May Have Heard The Term Higher Self.

A higher self is not a spiritual entity. The higher self is the consciousness of the entity in the non-physical world, mainly referred to as the 5D

The soul is eternal, and reaching a higher level of awareness and mind expansion will help us to communicate with the higher self.

The higher self has the knowledge of all the lifetimes of the soul and knowledge of soul contracts and soul ties with other souls or soulmates or twin flames.

The higher self is a more aware state of consciousness that we access through meditation and introspection, which promote greater self-awareness and acceptance through meditation.

Meditation Why Meditate?

you will connect to the Energy and the essence of what many call Spirit Guides or guardian angels or Divine Source who is always with us, who helps us on our Path of growth and becoming. In this connection, you will find space to feel and receive love, support, guidance and peace in your Life.

OK, that out of the way, the following definition is Reincarnation

Do you resonate with Reincarnation?

What is Reincarnation?

What is the real meaning of Reincarnation?

Reincarnation, also called transmigration or re-embodiment in religion and philosophy, is the rebirth of the feature of an individual that remains after bodily death — whether it be consciousness, mind, or the soul in one or more successive existences. or lifetimes

So, we live, and then we are reborn again in another lifetime and another body

Our souls are eternal. Our bodies may die, but our souls are our essence of us. The light that the Energy within us comes from the source. It is eternal and returns to that state of perfection through rebirth. And it’s entirely up to us. To be reborn, we choose. When and where?

And Do you resonate with Reincarnation? If you are resonating with this video so far, please listen to the whole video. And please comment on anything that will help the collective energies resonate with this knowledge.

What is Reincarnation? Here it is, the Words of Dolores Cannon Between Death and Life Audiobook talks about the study of death and finding the celebration of Life.

Between Death and Life: Conversations with a Spirit
Between Death and Life: Conversations with a Spirit (Audible Audio Edition): Dolores Cannon, Doug Warrings, Ted Snow…

“This book was originally written in the early 1990s and has stood the test of time. At that time, the subject of life after death was not openly discussed because of the fear associated with it. Now people are more open to talking about it and exploring the unseen realm. It does give us a glimpse of what lies in that other world that we all must someday visit. It isn’t always easy to accept another way of thinking. They partially or completely disrupt the pattern laid down for us since childhood. But if it contains the ring of truth, then it is worth exploring. But if we can find this much knowledge from those who have already made the trek. And carry the experience within their souls memories, Thus we will never actually know until we leave our body for the last time. And journey toward the brilliant light that marks the barrier between this world and the next. But in my study of death, I have found the celebration of life. But I think when the time comes, the journey will not hold as much fear as it would have, because I know I’m not going into a strange, dark, forbidding unknown. I am merely returning home. Maybe the information I have found has allowed us to lift the veil a little and peer beyond, and allowed us to glimpse through the glass into the shadows. And what we see is not as dark as it was before. It is the awakening of memories long buried. And the memories are truly wonderful, because what we see is a beautiful sight to behold. I am grateful that I was allowed to have these conversations with the spirits. What they have told me encourages the shedding of fears and doubts and brings the realization that what lies beyond the barrier is only a joyous homecoming.”

Taken from the Retail Sample of Between Death and Life

So what does Reincarnation have to do with this

Here is a reminder to your soul for when We Volunteered To Be Here, and if it resonates with you, the mission in Your Life. So here we are and ask ourselves why? What about this time in a place where I have to learn?

To Learn More about the three waves of volunteers and the new Earth, find the link in the description for the audiobook.

So now you are up to speed,

lets now talk about Angel Numbers and the messages from the messenger the angels for the numbers

What are Angel Numbers?

A memory or hint or thought to look at the clock and right as you look at the clock, you will either see a sequence of numbers such as 111 1111 222 2222 333 3333 444 4444 9 11

Bringing You cannot make this happen just by watching the clock. It will happen on its own most people see 1111 or 333/

This is a message from your angels to pay concern to something that is happening that you are not aware of but should be.

Now here is the key each number has a specific meaning within numbers is a deeper vibrational meaning Numbers are information, and Energy

Think of numbers as being Energy and vibrations, and an informational Energy Field surrounds us through a vast universe in a vast universe.

Picture a Number and Meditate on it. You are focusing on this vibration and frequency. Allow yourself to understand their specific meaning. Now multiply that vibration and frequency. The more times born, the more powerful the number is, such as 4 44 444 4444.

You will see these synchronicities in numbers by your angel’s angel numbers, but they are just numbers we use every day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Because our guardian angels live on a different plane of existence from us, they will rarely appear to us in their actual forms. However, they know that we will spot numbers in the world around us and use numbers to send us messages.

The Awakening Six Stages to watch the video I created, look for the circle with the I in it for all the video cards.

We start to be aware of these synchronicities when our soul awakens.

I will briefly discuss the Six Stages of Awakening and the associated numbers.

Stage One Angel Number Tarot Tower Card Energy 1,111,

pictice of the tarot tower card energy people falling from a tower on fire

The spiritual significance of angel number 1 is a clear sign of a new start. If you observe seeing angel number 1, take it as a positive sign from the angels. They tell you that good things are on the horizon and that you should embrace change.

Angel number 11 conveys messages of truth and new opportunities; angel number 11 represents new beginnings. This can be seen as a sign from the heavens to focus on spiritual advancement. Angel numbers appear in many different forms.

The angel number 11 represents new beginnings. This can be seen as a sign from the heavens to focus on spiritual advancement.

And when it comes to 111, seeing this angel number is a positive sign that you’re on the precipice of a fresh start, a new journey

You Are Awake with the Tarot Tower Card Energy Something big and eventful happens. The rug is pulled from beneath your feet and smacked on your face. It happens quickly, jars the ego, the ego goes down, and the soul comes online. You can also wake up without a Tower. A switch is flipped, and the light in your soul comes alive.

Stage Two the Tarot Star Energy of Bliss Happiness Angel Number 2 ,22 ,222

Stage Two the Tarot Star Energy of Bliss Happiness Angel Number 2 ,22 ,222

Appreciation, Gratitude, Pleasure, And Excitement And It Is So Delightful Emotions You May Not Have Ever Felt In Your Life. You Start To Feel These Emotions In The Stage, Too, Which I Call Star Energy. The number 2 is often associated with harmony and bliss, Where We Start To Feel Connected To Everything And Everybody. This Is Where I Learned About The Law I Want, The First Law In the Law Of Energy, Which I Will Talk About In Another Video. We Start To Feel Connected To Everything And Everyone We Feel Connected We Start To Get More Connected To The God Divine Source and Feel At One With The Source. We Can Feel Connected To The Animals Too. The Trees To The Flowers To Eat The Rocks To, The Crystals, To The Pyramids To, Anything We Are Feeling Connected To Everything

A sign of balancing and harmony in your spiritual Path. Seeing 22 may be a prompt to concentrate on finding balance and peace in your spiritual routine and to be open to finding this balance in your relationship with the divine. A message of support and guidance

Seeing angel number 2222 is a clear sign that you’re reaching or going through a significant milestone in your human experience.

Stage Three The Tarot Nine of Swords or the Dark Night of the Soul. Angel Number 3,33,333

Stage Three The Tarot Nine of Swords or the Dark Night of the Soul. Angel Number 3,33,333

The Soul Is Pulling Up These Unhealed Traumas, And What People Can Refer To As Karmic Or Karmic Cycles, Things That The Soul Has Gone Through That have created Karma And Is Now Bringing It Up To The Surface To Release It.

Angel Number 3 Harmony Divine intervention and guidance with the directions also creativity. The angels are nearby and ready to help you through your Awakening. You are loved and accepted for your authentic self.

Angel number 33 symbolizes intense Energy within romantic love because it incorporates unconditional love. If you are single, angel number 33 will help you identify your soul mate when they appear in your Life.

The angel number 333 encourages you to set designs into action and let your personal strength be the guide, to trust yourself and put thought into your choices. This angel number also is connected with optimism, creativity and intuition, which you will need while in Dark Night of the Soul.

Stage Four Is What I Call The Hermit Energy Angel Number 9,99,999

Stage Four Is What I Call The Hermit Energy Angel Number 9,99,999

What is the power of the number 9?

It represents patience and harmony. It is the number of love and faith. The qualities of digit 9 include friendship, spirituality, unity, the ability to see things clearly and much more. It is the most sophisticated of all numbers.

Number 99 Symbolic Meaning

The spiritual meaning of the angel number 99 in numerology is a token of completion, new beginnings, and infinite possibilities. It’s a special message that you can create your reality. Remember that anything is possible if you believe in yourself.

What is the angel message 999?

According to numerology, this specific repeating number means that your guardian angel is letting you know you may need to let go of trying to control something. Triple number meanings can be very influential in your Life if you allow them to be! The 999 angel number meaning is related to completion and wisdom.

Stage Five Or Phase Five Step Five Is Grounding Yourself, And I Refer To The Tarot Cards Of The Ace Of Wands And The Ace Of Swords, The Ace Of Wands Energy. Angel Number 7,77,777

Stage Five Or Phase Five Step Five Is Grounding Yourself, And I Refer To The Tarot Cards Of The Ace Of Wands And The Ace Of Swords, The Ace Of Wands Energy. Angel Number 7,77,777

It’s An Awareness Of Feeling Safe And Knowing That The Roots Are Growing Strong Into The Ground And You Are Becoming More Powerful. It Is The Time To Start To Bring Your Grounded Soul Back Into Reality Into Everyday Life

What is the spiritual meaning of 7 in numerology?

The number 7 represents wholeness and perfection in numerology (physical and Spiritual). This number is associated with ascension and a life free of obstacles. Number 777 or 7777 is compelling in spirituality — connection to the divine and spiritual connection between the body and the soul. When you see this, it reassures you that you have started your spiritual Path.

For more detailed information, check out this video

Stage Six And This Is What I Call The High Priestess Energy Angel Number 911 and 1111

Stage Six And This Is What I Call The High Priestess Energy Angel Number 911 and 1111

The angel number 911 indicates that you are on the proper path and should always trust your intuition. This number also signifies new starts, leadership, and self-determination. You are on the path to finding your true purpose in Life and the good people to surround yourself with. The angel number 1111

What does the angel number 1111 mean? The ones signify new beginnings. Whether you’re about to embark on a brand-new passage or already On The Right Path, seeing 1111 coincides with that. And when you see it,

What I found with the Awakening is that the signs and synchronicities are endless, and there are no human words that can completely comprehend the vastness of knowledge and wisdom and the answers to all the questions in the world.

The Awakening is only the beginning of your journey. There is much more to come. Your soul has so much more wisdom that you can even think about using your 3D mind. When your soul comes online, much more will be opened to you and the connections to the higher self, the angels and the divine.

Taking responsibility for your thoughts, words, and actions is just the beginning of raising your vibrations and frequencies to align yourself with the Universe, feeling love giving love and unconditional love to everyone and everything.

Learning to live in the Now and creating and manifesting our inner reality to manifest in our outer reality

I feel thankful for everyone on this journey with me, and I send out love and good vibrations with my words and actions.

If you have found this knowledge helpful, please like this Post and share it with anyone it will benefit from.

Leave a comment and tell us where you are in your own Soul Journey or twin flame journey to help others.

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